Closed meeting investigator |
Under Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, any individual may request that an investigation be undertaken to determine whether a municipality or local board has complied with the Municipal Act or its Procedure By-law in respect of a meeting or part of a meeting that was closed to the public.
Read about the closed meeting investigator process.
Conflict of interest registry |
The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and the Town of Huntsville’s procedural by-law state that members of Huntsville Council:
- Identify and disclose pecuniary interests
- File a statement in writing to the Clerk, using the declaration of conflict of interest form
After each Council or committee meeting, the Municipal Clerk or designate:
- Updates the registry
- Makes the registry available
- Offers the registry in an alternate format, on request
How to get this info
The current list for the 2022-2026 term of Council can be found on the conflict of interest registry page on the open data portal.
The previous list for the 2018-2022 term of Council can be found on the 2018-2022 conflict of interest registry page on the open data portal.
For lists related to previous terms of council, please contact the Clerks Department.
Council expenses |
Term of Council 2022-2026
Please contact the Finance Department if you have questions about Council expenses prior to 2022.
If you require an alternate version, please let us know.
Term of Council 2019-2022
Please contact the Finance department if you have questions about Council expenses prior to 2019.
If you require an alternate version, please let us know.
Integrity Commissioner |
The Integrity Commissioner acts as an independent advisor to Council on a range of issues. The position is responsible for providing education and advice to Members of Council, and presiding over investigations of complaints.
On April 26, 2021 Town Council passed By-law 2021-22 appointing Suzanne Craig as Integrity Commissioner for the Town of Huntsville for a 4 year term.
About |
Specifically, the Integrity Commissioner's functions include:
- Upon their request, advising Members of Council, Council as a whole, and local boards on their obligations and responsibilities under the Code of Conduct, and any other legislation, rule or policy governing their ethical behaviour;
- Receiving, assessing and, where appropriate, investigating complaints made by Council, a Member of Council, a member of local board, a staff member or a member of the public, on an alleged breach of the Code of Conduct;
- Determining whether and how investigations will be conducted; and
- Reporting back to Council on whether an investigation's findings confirm a breach of the Code of Conduct.
View the Code of Conduct on our by-laws page.
Contact Information |
To contact Suzanne Craig:
By Email:
By Telephone: 705-789-1751 ext. 7701
All inquires made to the Integrity Commissioner will be noted and reviewed in some fashion. The decision to pursue an investigation into a possible breach of the Code of Conduct or other Town policy can only be made by the Integrity Commissioner based on the circumstances at the time of the complaint.
If the Integrity Commissioner undertakes an investigation following a public complaint and the findings confirm a breach of the Code of Conduct, appropriate penalties, as defined in the legislation, will be recommended to Council, and will become a matter of public record.
Penalties permitted under the Municipal Act, 2001 include a reprimand or the suspension of the Council Member's salary for a period of up to 90 days.
Note: The Municipal Act, 2001, specifies that the role of the Integrity Commissioner pertains to Members of Council only.
During an Election Year |
The Integrity Commissioner receives Code complaints that allege that a Member of Council or Local Board (the "Code") has contravened the Council Member Code of Conduct. In an election year, in accordance with sections 99 and 100 of the Code, if any inquiry commenced by the Integrity Commissioner has not been completed by Nomination Day for a regular election (August 19, 2022 this year), the Integrity Commissioner shall terminate the inquiry on that day. If any such inquiry has been terminated, the Integrity Commissioner shall not commence another inquiry in respect of the matter unless, within six weeks after voting day in a regular election, the person or entity who made the request or the member or former member whose conduct is concerned, makes a written request to the Integrity Commissioner that the inquiry be commenced.
Between nomination day (August 19, 2022) and voting day in a regular election, there shall be no requests for an inquiry, no reports from the Integrity Commissioner on Code contraventions and no meetings of Council or a local board to consider imposing any penalties on a member of Council or a local board.
Members of Council and Local Boards can continue to seek advice from the Integrity Commissioner in an election year. Members of Council continue in their role as elected officials until election day in a municipal election year and therefore, may consult with the Integrity Commissioner in respect of their obligations under the Code. Members of Council may not request advice from the Integrity Commissioner in respect of their activities and actions as a candidate in the municipal election.
Reports and Bulletins |
Election Year Activity FAQ Information Bulletin |
Municipal complaint process |
Step 1: Speak with us
Contact a Town of Huntsville staff member in the appropriate department about your concern. We want to help resolve your complaint at first point of contact.
Step 2: Submit your complaint / request for service
Submit your complaint in writing using one of these forms:
This next step only applies if you have already completed all other steps above:
Municipal freedom of information |
The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) provides an individual with the right to access information under the custody and control of an institution, including one's own personal information.
Individuals wanting to submit a formal request for information under the Municipal Freedom of Information Act must fill out a Freedom of Information Request request.
Open data |
Explore and download data in a new and innovative way on the open data portal.
Take the open data survey
Policies and by-laws |
- Accountability and Transparency Policy By-law
- Designation of Head and Delegation of Administrative Functions under the Ombudsman Act By-law
- Routine Disclosure/Active Dissemination Policy
- Procurement Policy By-law
- Delegation of Powers and Duties Policy By-law
- Provision of Notice Policy By-law
- Council Code of Conduct By-law
- Municipal Complaint Policy
These and more on the by-laws and policies page.
Routine disclosure
The Town of Huntsville may make records available without requiring a Freedom of Information (FOI) Request. This process is governed under the Routine Disclosure/Active Dissemination Policy.