An entrance (driveway) permit is required if you want to:

  • Construct a new entrance to your property
  • Build a structure on your property
  • Change the location of an existing entrance to your property
  • Change use of an existing entrance to your property

Apply for an entrance permit

To apply for an entrance permit you must be the property owner or have written consent from the property owner. 

Once approved, the permit is valid for one (1) year from the date of issue.

Submit and apply

Fill and submit an entrance permit application form.

The following will be required:

  • Roll number - found on your property tax bill
  • Survey of the property showing the owner's and neighbouring property boundaries
  • Draw a sketch to show proposed entrance location
  • Payment of permit fee and refundable deposit

Permit fee and refundable deposit

Fees are based on the current fees and charges by-law.

  • Permit fee and deposit are collected and required during the application process
  • Any amounts to bring the entrance up to Town required standards, will be deducted from the deposit
  • Deposit will be refunded to the applicant when the entrance is accepted by Town public works staff

Proposed entrance and inspection

After receiving payment and application:

  1. Public works will review the application and give you notes on next steps
  2. You will be provided with an orange place-card to put in the middle of the proposed entrance location. Or you can use a bright fluorescent stake (the Town does not provide these)
    • A 911 civic number sign must be posted
    • Note - if public works staff cannot find where the entrance will be, it will slow the application process
  3. Public works staff will inspect the location in-person
  4. Public works will notify you of next steps

Installation of the entrance

Once public works gives the go ahead:

  1. You may install the entrance. Please complete work to the specifications on the permit and to the Town's standards
    • If the install does not meet the Town's standards and the applicant is not willing to make the needed repairs, the Town reserves the right to repair or remove the improper entrance at the applicant's expense
  2. Once install is complete, the Town must be notified by calling 705-789-1751, ext. 2404
  3. Public works staff will inspect the install
  4. Public works staff will notify of next steps

The Town reserves the right to approve or reject any entrance permit application. In most cases a permit would be denied if Town standards or engineering best practices were not met.

Renew/extend a permit

  • Permits are allowed a one-time extension for one (1) additional year
  • Written notice must be provided to the Town
  • Renewal fee of $116 is required

Cancel a permit

  • The entrance must be built and accepted by the Town within one (1) year of the permit date
  • An expired permit will result in a forfeit of the deposit 
  • If applicant withdraws an entrance application, only the refundable deposit will be refunded