This month, General Committee heard various issues including Physician Recruitment Update, Kent Park Public Art Project Update, Muskoka Community Fund Recommendation, Town of Huntsville Financial Accounting Software, Organizational Reporting Structure Update, OSPCA - Canine Pound Services Contract, Brunel Lift Locks Repairs, Heritage Permit - St. Mary's Church, Huntsville Sport Hall of Fame Agreement.
Here’s what happened:
- General Committee will receive a Physician Recruitment Update.
- At the time of writing this report:
- two (2) physicians have signed the agreement (one to start a new practice and one to take over an existing practice)
- one (1) physician is in the process of signing (to start a new practice).
- three (3) more physicians are anticipated to sign for summer 2025 (to take over existing practices) however, this number is tentative as negotiations occur.
- As part of the incentive program agreement, all physicians will commit to a 5-year term of service.
- Staff are recommending that the existing financial incentives in the Physician Recruitment Program be amended to include the offer of $70,000 per physician that takes over an existing practice and takes more than 200 Huntsville patients off of the Algonquin Family Healthcare Team (AFHT) waitlist.
- OUTCOME: See Media Release on this topic that was sent out immediately following General Committee, entitled: Huntsville’s Physician Incentive Program Brings Multiple New Doctors to the Community
- The current Physician Incentive Program offers $60,000 for each physician taking over an existing practice, and up to $80,000 for each physician starting a new practice. There is opportunity for physicians taking over existing practices to have the capacity to also take patients off the unattached patient waitlist. Committee recommended to include $70,000 per physician that takes over an existing practice, and takes more than 200 Huntsville patients off of the Algonquin Family Healthcare Team (AFHT) waitlist.
- At the time of writing this report:
- Committee will receive a staff report on the Kent Park Public Art Project Update, including an overview of the selection process and a request to enter into an agreement with selected artist.
- OUTCOME: General Committee recommended that an Agreement be entered into with the selected artist, Bryan Faubert, to carry out the design, fabrication and installation of permanent works of art in Kent Park.
- For more information on artist Bryan Faubert, pre-visualizations of his proposed art work for Kent Park, and photos of examples of his previous works, please see the report presented to Committee.
- The budget for this public art project is $50,000, inclusive of applicable taxes, and is funded in part by the Public Art Reserve and Municipal Accommodation Tax Reserve, which collect funds through the sale of artwork in the Town’s two galleries and from overnight stays at local tourist accommodations, respectively.
Example of a pre-visualization of proposed art work for Kent Park Art Project by selected artist, Bryan Faubert, that emphasizes natural elements of Huntsville and our Muskoka landscape
- General Committee will receive from staff a Muskoka Community Fund Recommendation. Since the Muskoka Community Foundation (MCF) was founded in 2007 to help donors reach their philanthropic goals and to promote the important role charities play in supporting Muskoka, staff recommend that the Huntsville Community Fund operate by collecting donor dollars to support specific themed projects or initiatives as identified by the Town.
- OUTCOME: Committee voted to recommend that a Huntsville Community Fund (HCF), operated by the Muskoka Community Foundation (MCF), be established. The newly established HCF will be used to collect donor dollars to support Council approved projects or initiatives; staff were directed to work with the MCF to develop the HCF Agreement to the satisfaction of the Director of Corporate and Community Strategy.
- General Committee will receive a staff report on the Town of Huntsville Financial Accounting Software. Staff are recommending that the financial software review begin in 2025 with any changes to take place in 2026. If a software implementation is approved to move forward, it is expected that approximately $600,000 be included in the 2026 budget for the software purchase and implementation costs, with an additional $100,000 in project management fees to hire a consultant to move the project forward. The 2024 budget included $50,000 to be transferred to the Corporate Software Reserve. In order to have funding for this specific project, additional funds from the levy will need to be allocated in future budgets.
- OUTCOME: Committee voted to recommend that staff be directed to pause work on the Town of Huntsville's current Financial Accounting Software expansion projects, with the exception of the Human Resource platform project (HRIS) and that staff be directed to review current Financial Accounting Software in 2025 and report back to Committee on next steps.
- General Committee will receive an Organizational Reporting Structure Update. The Corporate and Community Strategy division has been expanded to bring together expertise in key areas to deliver on Council’s priorities, including economic development, marketing, and communications. With the expansion of this division, the Director of Corporate and Community Strategy, Reva Frame, will now oversee the Economic Development, and Marketing and Communications functions for the Town, while continuing to focus on organizational efficiency and improvement initiatives. With the expansion of the Corporate and Community Strategy division, the Development Services division will strengthen their focus on Development, Planning, Building, Enforcement and Climate/Environment initiatives. The Director of Development Services, Kirstin Maxwell, now has the added responsibility of serving as the Deputy CAO.
- General Committee will receive a report from staff on OSPCA - Canine Pound Services Contract, where staff are recommending renewal of the Town's Canine Impound Services contract with the Muskoka Branch of the Ontario Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA).
- OUTCOME: Committee recommended that a new Agreement be entered into with the Muskoka OSPCA for the provision of Canine Impound Services and that the Agreement enable a recurring annual renewal, provided that the costs and terms of the service arrangement are satisfactory to the Town.
- Committee will receive a staff report on Brunel Lift Locks Repairs. The Town of Huntsville heritage Brunel Lift Locks are in need of significant repairs and the extent of the structural issues is not currently known. This report seeks approval to hire an engineer to perform an inspection and assessment of the Locks and provide a 10-year restoration plan for the related assets. Based on the scope, preliminary costing for the structural assessment is estimated to be $40,000 and is proposed to be funded through the Parks Capital Reserve, as this relates to an existing asset in the Town's inventory, to be added to the draft 2025 Capital Budget.
- OUTCOME: Committee recommended that a structural assessment of the Brunel Lift Locks, and related assets, be included in the 2025 draft capital budget funded from Parks Capital Reserve for consideration.
- General Committee will receive a staff report regarding a Heritage Permit - St. Mary's Church. The Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Algoma is proposing to sell the church building to a neighbouring property owner. It is not yet known whether or not the church structure will be able to be removed. Staff are recommending that Committee approve the Heritage Permit Application for the relocation or demolition of St. Mary's Church. Through consultation with the Huntsville and Area Historical Society (HAAHS), they have no objections to the proposal, and requested that they be provided access to the property to document the structure and property.
- OUTCOME: General Committee recommended approval of the Heritage Permit Application for the relocation or demolition of St. Mary's Church.
- General Committee will hear a staff report on the Huntsville Sport Hall of Fame Agreement with an overview of the public benefit provided by the Huntsville Sports Hall of Fame and the rationale for entering into an agreement between the Town of Huntsville and the Huntsville Sports Hall of Fame.
- OUTCOME: General Committee recommended that staff be directed to enter into an Agreement with the Huntsville Sport Hall of Fame (HFHF) for five (5) years with an option to extend for an additional five (5) years.
Want to dig deeper? Watch the full General Committee discussion through the livestream.