This month, General Committee heard various topics including Strategic Successes and a Corporate Action Plan, By-Law Amendments and Changes as well as an Annual Report from Muskoka Heritage Place. Here’s what happened:  

  • The Town-Owned Lands Working Group reports on their mandate to categorize all Town-Owned lands and determine any surplus land that could be developed or sold. The report seeks approval from Committee to adopt the recommendations within.  

    • OUTCOME: Committee accepted the final report from the Town-Owned Land Working Group and approved the recommendations within Report CORP-2025-2.  
  • Staff are seeking approval to dissolve the Licensing Committee and replace it with an Appeals Committee. This committee would hear appeals on licensing matters and certain other by-laws.  

    • OUTCOME: Committee approved dissolving the Licensing Committee and replacing it with the Appeals Committee and details outlined in Report CORP-2025-4. Committee amended the motion and added Control and Licensing of Dogs.  
  • Committee will address housekeeping amendments to several by-laws including, Short Term Rental Accommodation By-law, Vehicle for Hire By-law, and the Business Licensing By-law. The recommendation will aim to provide better clarity and are for administration and enforcement purposes.  

    • OUTCOME: Committee passed the Vehicle for Hire By-Law amendments, the Short-Term Rental Accommodation By-law as well as the Business Licensing By-Law.  
  • Committee will hear an overview of the support provided in 2024 to local community groups and partners through existing agreements and the Community Financial Requests program. 

  • Committee will hear a Mid-Term Council Report on the key strategic accomplishments completed and/or finalized during this term of Council.  

  • Staff request approval for the 2026 Municipal Election voting method of internet and telephone voting.  

    • OUTCOME: Council approved the 2026 Municipal Election voting method of internet and telephone voting and directs the Clerk to prepare a by-law for Council’s consideration.  
  • Staff seek direction to begin the process of transferring legal ownership of 5 inactive cemeteries and one active cemetery that are currently maintained by the Town. 

    • OUTCOME: Staff provided clarity on owning the properties as well as commented on liability and costs for the transfer of ownership. Committee passed the motion and authorized the Mayor and Clerk to execute all documents related to the transfer of the cemetery properties outlined in Report OPS-2025-2. 
  • Staff seek approval of a Corporate Action Plan which aims to consolidate a list of projects from various action and implementation plans to address the Town’s Strategic Plan goals. 

    • OUTCOME: Staff provided an overview of the Corporate Action Plan containing 91 initiatives (22 completed, 45 in progress and 24 have not been started but projected for 2025/2026)Committee adopted the Corporate Action Plan with amendments to Initiative 1.2. Salt Usage Review updating the target date to reflect a Q1 2025-Q4 2025 timeline, and that Initiative2.1 Communication Tower Survey status be In Progress. 
  • Committee will hear the 2024 Muskoka Heritage Place Annual Report. Highlights include: total visitors of 22,988, a 3.4% increase in visitation from 2023 and the highest historical visitation, as well as new programming and increases in revenue. 

Want to dig deeper? Watch the full General Committee discussion through the livestream.