The Town of Huntsville and The District Municipality of Muskoka provide Relief and Rebate Programs for those in special circumstances. Please see the below options for consideration.

The District Municipality of Muskoka Tax Policies

The District of Muskoka follows provincial and internal tax policies to determine all tax rates. 

Setting Tax Ratios and Reductions 

Tax Capping Options

Optional Classes

Property Tax Ratios

Low-income Deferral Program

The District of Muskoka offers a Seniors, Low-income Seniors, and Low-income Disabled Homeowners deferral program. This program allows for qualifying homeowners to defer the increase of their taxes from one year to the next, interest free until the time in which the home is sold or change of title occurs. All deferral monies must be repaid to the Town of Huntsville at that time.

Cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes

Section 357 and 358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provide municipalities with the authority to cancel, reduce, or refund taxes based on specific criteria.  

Demolition due to tragic event (e.g., razed by fire): In the unfortunate event that your structure is razed by fire or other tragic event, you may be eligible for a tax rebate under Section 357 of the Municipal Act. 

  1. Submit your request in writing by email to or by mail to the attention of the tax department. 

Voluntary demolition of structure: If structures on your property are being demolished you may be eligible for a rebate under Section 357 of the Municipal Act.

  1. Once the structure has been demolished (or removed) from the property, contact the Town of Huntsville for a demolition inspection certificate (the certificate date begins eligibility)
  2. Submit your request in writing by email to or by mail to the attention of the tax department. 
  3. Include the following required documents:
    • Property tax roll number
    • Property owner name(s)
    • Mailing address
    • Property address
    • Copy of the building permit (if rebuilding)
    • Copy of the final demolition inspection certificate
  4. Incomplete submissions will be returned to the owner. The submission file date is the date completed submission has been received.
  5. The completed application is sent to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) for verification and an assessment adjustment.

The 357-application process can take up to 90 days to complete, and for current year reductions, cannot be processed until after final bills are processed. If approved, you will receive a tax bill or a letter reflecting the adjustment. 

The Town of Huntsville Tax Department will assist you in completing the forms necessary.

Farm property class tax rebate program
Working farms may be eligible for a municipal property tax reduction under this program, please contact Agricorp - Farm Tax Program and Farmland Tax Reduction 
Conservation land tax incentive program

Swamp or wetland properties may be eligible for tax reduction under this program. Contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Ontario Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program

Managed forest incentive program

The Managed Forest Tax Incentive program encourages good forest management by giving a property tax reduction to eligible landowners who prepare and follow an approved managed forest plan.


Registered charity rebate program

Registered charities in commercial or industrial properties may be eligible for a property tax charity rebate.