Payment Options

There are many easy and convenient ways to make a payment. Please click on the options below for additional deetails.

NEW! Pay Online or by Phone through Paymentus*

The Town of Huntsville offers quick and easy online and phone payment options for property taxes. Also, the option to pay your property taxes with a debit or credit card* is fast, easy, and secure.

Payments made using Visa/Debit Visa or Mastercard/Debit Mastercard can be made here:


By phone, call 1-866-904-6073 to reach our automated bill payment system, powered by Paymentus*.

*A service charge by the credit card processing company, independent of the Town, will be charged by the third-party supplier as part of the transaction. There is a service charge of 1.5% for Debit cards and 2.5% for Credit cardsYou are responsible for making sure the Town of Huntsville receives your payment by the payment due date. If you are using a third-party service provider, you must clearly understand the terms and conditions of the services you are using. Also, links to other websites, or references on this website to products, services or publications other than those of the Town of Huntsville, are provided only for the convenience of Town of Huntsville website users. The Town of Huntsville does not endorse these products, services, or publications.

Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) Plan

Reduce the risk of late payment penalties by enrolling in a Pre-Authorized Payment Plan (PAP). Have your property tax payments automatically withdrawn from your bank or financial institution. Enrollment in the plan is free and there are no service charges that apply.

Property owner(s) can enroll in the PAP program before their tax billing is issued. Enrollment is closed off until the due date has passed and then enrollment in this program is conditional on taxes being up to date. Enrollment in this program will be processed within 10-days. Once enrolled you will be notified by email or letter.

The Pre-Authorized Payment Plan is available for automatic withdrawal from your bank account. Taxes must be in good standing to qualify for the monthly and installment pre-authorized debit programs. Your account must remain in good standing prior to enrollment and during the program. If your PAP account defaults at any point you may be removed from the program. Change or cancellation must be 10 days prior to a withdrawal date.

There are three property tax PAP plans:

Installment Due Date Plan
Withdrawals will be automatically debited from your bank account on two installment dates
  1. Interim tax bills are due on the last business day of March
  2. Final tax bills are due on the last business day of August

 Monthly Plan

  • Eleven equal payments from November to September
  • Withdrawn on the last business day of each month
  • The last (11th) withdrawal will be adjusted based on the actual taxes levied in the current year
    • You will receive written notification of the amount prior to the end of November each year
    • Payments are not withdrawn in October
    • The final bill will include the reconciliation statement
    • An interim tax bill will not be issued under this plan
Arrears Plan

If your taxes are behind, you can work with the tax department to set up a payment schedule to get previous arrears caught up. Penalty/interest is still calculated on accounts on an arrear’s payment plan. Email to agree on a payment schedule.

Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement - Arrears Program Form

How to Sign Up

Sign up for pre-authorized payments by completing the Pre-Authorized Payment form. You must complete an application for each property you are applying for. Line of credit, credit cards, cheques or foreign fund cheques cannot be used for this program.

Once enrolled, you will receive an email notification of your acceptance in the PAP program. Please continue to pay your taxes through your regular payment method until you receive your confirmation of enrollment.

Cancelling or Changing Your PAP Plan or Financial Institution
You may cancel or change your plan, or change your financial institution with at least 10 days notice before your next withdrawal date by completing the Pre-Authorized Payment Change Form.

Cancellations can be made by property owner/law firm. Banking institutions cannot cancel on your behalf. If cancelling you will receive email/written notice that you have been removed from the program. If cancelling, you must pay the outstanding balance in full to avoid penalty/interest charges.

Cash, Cheque or Interac


Cheques for tax payments can continue to be dropped off at the office via the secure drop box at the Town of Huntsville’s back door, on High street – 24/7.

In person

Payments can be made in person by cash or debit at the Town of Huntsville Tax Department located on the third floor at 37 Main Street East, Huntsville, ON P1H 1A1

By mail

All cheques are to be made payable to the Town of Huntsville and include the property tax roll number. Post dated cheques will be accepted but all mail must be received by the due date to avoid late fees.

Internet and Telephone Banking

Pay by phone through your financial institution or online via your bank’s website. If you have more than one property in the Town of Huntsville, you will need to set up each roll number as a separate account number.

Payments may be made online through participating financial institutions. You will need your 19-digit assessment roll number from your tax bill or property tax account statement.

  1. Sign into your Financial Institutions secure website
  2. Add a Payee
  3. Search and select ‘Huntsville Taxes’ as the payee ( Huntsville Tax if you are a CIBC customer)
  4. Enter all 19 digits of your property tax assessment roll number with no spaces, decimal points, or characters.
  5. Allow three to five business days for your payment to be processed to lessen the chance of late fees.

The following is a list of some of the financial institutions when setting up to pay your property taxes either by internet or telephone banking. Subject to change without notice. If your financial institution is not listed or you require assistance, please contact your bank or financial institution directly.

Pay at Your Financial Institution

Property tax payments can be made directly at your financial institution by taking a copy of your bill to the branch.

Interest and Penalty for Property Taxes

Penalty is charged on the first day of each calendar month on any tax balance unpaid as set out in the Municipal Act, 2001. The Town charges a penalty of 1.25% per month on outstanding taxes.

Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt the bill from being due or exempt the taxpayer from incurring late payment charges. Please note, penalty is not charged on penalty amounts and the Treasurer and/or other staff have no authority to waive or alter a penalty for any reason.

Avoid penalty and interest charges by:

  • Ensuring your mailing address is correct on file
  • Adding the due dates to your calendars
  • Setting up a Payment Plan – Monthly or by Installment
  • Send a post-dated cheque before or on the tax due date
  • Have your mortgage company pay your property taxes through your mortgage payments
  • If paying your taxes through online banking, ensuring that the amount owing on the installment dates has been paid in full through the payments you have made to your account

Please note: there is a fee charged to accounts that receive a notice of tax arrears in accordance with the fees and charges by-law.