On this page, you will find more information and frequently asked questions related to property taxes. For additional information, contact the Property Tax Department by emailing finance@huntsville.ca.


How many tax bills are distributed each year?

Property taxes are distributed twice per year.

  • Interim: Distributed January and due on the last business day of March
    • Interim tax bills represent 50% of the previous years’ levied taxes
  • Final: Distributed in June and due the last business day of August
    • Final tax bills are based on your current year phased-in assessment value less the amount from the Interim tax bill and reflect any changes in the municipal, district, and the education portion of your taxes.

More billings may occur throughout the year based on supplemental and/or omitted assessment values provided by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)

Your tax bill is your official receipt for income tax purposes. Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt the bill from being due or exempt the taxpayer from incurring late payment charges.

The MPAC is responsible for placing a value on all properties in Ontario. The Town of Huntsville calculates the tax amounts from the information supplied by MPAC and issue the tax bills.

Supplemental Tax Notice

If there have been changes to your property assessment due to new construction or omitted assessments in the year or previous two years, you will receive a Supplemental or Omitted Tax Notice based on the supplemental or omitted assessment placed on your property by MPAC. The Supplemental/Omitted bill is in addition to what may have been previously billed on the property, even if the amounts are not yet due. The Supplemental/Omitted due date(s) for these bills will be at least 21 days after the date of the notice.

What do I do when I do not receive my Tax Bill?

If you have not received a copy of your bill, please email finance@huntsville.ca. Non-receipt of your tax bill does not waive any liability for payment of taxes or penalty/interest charged. The Finance department has no authority to waive penalty or interest for any reason.

Here is some key information to remember:

  1. Tax bills are issued twice per year
  2. If your tax bill is returned by Canada Post as undeliverable, Financial Services staff will make every attempt to locate a mailing address.
Why did I get an Arrears Notice?

As of the date indicated on the notice, there was a past due amount on your tax account.

How do I change the name shown on my property tax bill?
The names on the property tax bills are the same names registered with the Land Registry office. To change the names registered on your property’s title, you can contact Ontario Land Registry. Note: currently the tax bill shows the first two names registered on title.
How do I change my mailing address?

To change your mailing address, fill and submit a Change of Mailing Address form.

What do the codes in the tax class stand for?

Tax Rates and Fees

What are the property tax rates?
The current Municipal, District and Education tax rates for each property tax class are shown on the Tax Rates and Calculations page.
How are property taxes calculated?

Property taxes are determined by multiplying the current value or assessment of your property by the annual tax rate for the property type or property class, plus any applicable special charges.

What are Special Charges?

Special charges are non-property tax charges that are specific to your property. Special charges cover a range of improvements or services including:

Local improvements

  • Sewer upgrades, industrial servicing, street servicing

Tile drain loans

  • For agricultural landowners only who are approved for the loans

Business Improvement Area levies

  • For certain businesses located in Huntsville only as set out by the BIA by-law
How does Huntsville determine the property tax rate?

The Town of Huntsville Council passes a budget each year. The budget sets out the amount of funds to be raised from property taxes. That amount is divided amongst the total taxable assessed value of all eligible properties in Huntsville. The taxable assessed value of each property depends upon its tax multiplier which is set each year by Huntsville Council which follows guidelines set out by the province.

My commercial / industrial property is vacant. Can I get a discount on my taxes?

No. The Town of Huntsville and all local municipalities have opted out of this program.

I did not receive the Farm Tax Rebate, Managed Forest, or Conservation Land Tax Incentive this year. Why?

What is the Farm Property Class Tax Rebate program?
Working farms may be eligible for a municipal property tax reduction under this program. Please contact Agricorp - Farm Tax Program and Farmland Tax Reduction.
What is the Managed Forest Incentive program?

The Managed Forest Tax Incentive program encourages good forest management by giving a property tax reduction to eligible landowners who prepare and follow an approved Managed Forest plan.


What is the Conservation Land Tax Incentive program

Swamp or wetland properties may be eligible for tax reduction under this program, please contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Ontario Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program

Property Assessment

How is my property assessed?
All properties in Ontario are assessed by MPAC every four years. To establish your property’s assessed value, MPAC analyzes the property sales in your area. These sales provide the basis for assessed values. MPAC continually collects information about properties to ensure that similar property types are valued consistently within the market area. This method is called Current Value Assessment. It is used by most assessment jurisdictions in Canada and around the world. For questions about your assessment, please contact MPAC at 1-866-296-6722.
I disagree with the assessed value of my property. How do I get it changed?
MPAC determines the assessed values for properties in Ontario. You can contact MPAC at 1-866-296-6722
Can I appeal my property taxes?

Your property taxes are calculated by multiplying your property’s assessed value by the property tax rates. You can appeal the assessed value of your property by contacting MPAC at 1-866-296-6722. The property tax rate is the same for all properties in the same property tax class.

Need Help?

Contact the Property Tax Department at finance@huntsville.ca.