This calculator provides an estimated amount of property tax you will pay and the distribution of your municipal taxes. This tool is intended for the conveniences of property owners only.
The Property Tax Calculator is not an official record and should be used only as an estimation tool. Tax bills containing your final tax amount are distributed by the Town of Huntsville.
Municipal tax is calculated by multiplying your property’s current year phased-in assessment by the Municipality’s tax rate as approved by the Town of Huntsville Council.
Education tax is calculated by multiplying your property’s current year phased-in assessment by the education rate, as set by the Province of Ontario.
To calculate your 2024 taxes, please enter your property assessment in digits only (for example: 380000) and select the correct property classification.
Disclaimer: This property tax calculator provides estimates only. Tax Bills containing your final amounts are mailed out by the Town and may differ from those presented by this calculator. Due to variances in rounding, actual allocations may differ. This application is unsuitable for purposes of transacting property sales or any other legally binding matters. To obtain information certified to be accurate, tax certificates are available from the Town. The Town of Huntsville is not responsible for and will not be liable for any damages whatsoever, including indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages, arising out of or in connections with your use of, or inability to use, this application.
The property tax calculator will be updated annually to reflect the current year. Calculations do not include capping and claw back adjustments under part IX of the Municipal Act, 2001 for commercial, industrial, and multi-residential properties. Please be aware that the calculations cannot accommodate the specific charges of every property (e.g., local improvements, business improvement, area changes) and will therefore provide ESTIMATED TAXES ONLY.
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), a not-for-profit corporation created by the province is responsible for assessing property values. If you have questions about your assessment, please contact MPAC at 1-866-296-6722 or