What is an Official Plan?

Adopted in 2019, the Official Plan is the policy basis to guide future development of the Town. A hard copy is available for purchase at Town Hall. Alternate format documents are available upon request.

 It intends to assist Council in achieving:

a) implementing the Vision of the Town;

b) addressing climate change as a key aspect of a resilient environment;

c) promoting the wise stewardship of the Town's natural and cultural heritage;

d) protecting and enhancing the various contributing elements to community character, providing for orderly growth that is environmentally and economically sustainable;

f) protecting the natural resources of the Town;

g) preserving the quality of life in the Town;

h) fostering healthy, active, and safe communities;

i) providing a consistent approach to the review and evaluation of development applications as well as for predictable, open and integrated decision making;

j) interpreting and applying Provincial and District of Muskoka policy within the context of the Town; and

k) providing opportunities for public involvement in the land use planning process.

 Appendices and Schedules



Town of Huntsville Official Plan Cover

What is a Official Plan Amendment?

An Official Plan Amendment (OPA) is a request to make changes to the use of a property in a way that is not laid out by the Official Plan.

Who needs to submit an Official Plan Amendment?

If you are requesting to make changes to use a property in a way that is not laid out by the Official Plan, then you will need to submit an Official Plan Amendment.

What are the steps for submitting an Official Plan Amendment?

STEP 1: Gather Required Documentation
  • It is recommended that you engage a private planner to assist in the preparation of the required documentation.

STEP 2: Pre-Consultation
  • Pre-consultation meeting with the Town to discuss development proposal.

  • Following the meeting, the Town will confirm requirements for the Official Plan Amendment application and/or other application requirements are identified.

  • The $285.00 pre-consultation fees are required.
STEP 3: Application Submission
  • Application must be submitted with all required studies, plans, etc. Only once all required documentation is received will the application be reviewed and a decision will be made within 120 business days.
Required Documentation
  • Record of pre-consultation
  • Commissioned signatures of Owner and/or Agent
  • Parcel Registry (or Title Abstract) from Land Registry Office dated within 14 business days of the submission of application
  • Written description (in a separate attachment) summarizing proposal and planning justification
  • Any requests made during pre-consultation
  • A proposed strategy for consulting with the public with respect to the request
  • Supplemental information to support the criteria in Part F: Section 1.2.3 of the Huntsville Official Plan, may be requested upon further review of the application

  • Applicable drawings - must be to scale and include: 
    • Boundaries and dimensions of the lands
    • Location, size, and type of all existing and proposed buildings and structures on the land, indicating their distance from the front lot line, rear lot line, and side lot lines

    • The approximate location of all natural and artificial features (buildings, roads, watercourses, drainage ditches, wooded areas, etc.) that are located on the subject land and on land adjacent to it, and that may affect the application

    • The current uses of land that is adjacent to the subject land

    • The location, width, and name of any roads within or abutting the subject, land indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right-of-way

    • If access to the subject land will be by water only, the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used

    • The location and nature of any easement affecting the land
  • Application is then circulated to commenting agencies and departments.
  • Once all comments are received, application is deemed complete.
  • Public notification is sent out, if required.

STEP 4: Application Review

  • Once an application has been deemed complete by Planning Staff, it will take typically 9-12 weeks for the submission to be reviewed.
  • During the approval process, Official Plan Amendment applications are decided upon by the Planning Council in a public hearing.
  • If no decision has been made within 120 business days, the applicant can appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

STEP 5: Decision

  • Once the Official Plan Amendment Application is completed, Staff will review and prepare recommendations to Town Council.
  • Upon review of the Official Plan Amendment Application, Town Council may:
    • Approve the Application, which will then be sent to the District of Muskoka for final approval. The District of Muskoka will then give a notice of approval and there will be a 20 business day appeal period for applicant and key parties. If there are no appeals, then the amendment will be adopted.
    • Refuse the Application and no amendment is issued.

STEP 6: Appeal Period

  • There will be an appeal period of 20 business days by the applicant and key parties following a decision. If no appeals are received, Staff will issue a formal communication.

What are the Official Plan Amendment Application Fees (2025)?

Pre-Consultation Fee: $292.00

Official Plan Amendment Application Fees:

  • One lot or a minor policy: $2,250.00
  • More than one lot or a major policy: $5,100.00
  • Complex – An application that requires the review of 5 or more supporting technical reports.
Payment can be made over the phone (credit card only; Visa and Mastercard) or in person (credit card, debit, or cheque). Payment of fees is required to consider an application complete and delay in payment may result in a delay to the next steps. Fees are updated on an annual basis.