Deerhurst Modern Official Plan By-law Amendment Application

The Deerhurst Resort is proposing an expansion on a portion of the lands known as the Deerhurst Village Centre - Plateau (the "Plateau"). Previous planning approvals granted by the Town of Huntsville and District of Muskoka for the Plateau include an application to amend the Town of Huntsville Official Plan to implement the Deerhurst Resort Village Secondary Plan, a Zoning By-law Amendment Application, and a Draft Plan of Subdivision Application. The owner proposes a refreshed vision for the Plateau site that includes a recreational resort residential development consisting of 447 recreational resort residential units in two (2) buildings connected via a shared entranceway and supportive commercial uses, including a restaurant, retail space, and a pool. The buildings will operate as a hotel, with owners able to participate in a tourist commercial accommodation rental program operated by the Deerhurst Resort. This proposed development is being referred to as the Deerhurst Modern concept.

OPA#2 Application has been made for an amendment to the Town Official Plan to permit the proposed Deerhurst Modern development concept on the Plateau site.

Z/28/2022/HTE Application has also been made for a Zoning By-law Amendment to permit this proposed development.

For more information about the applications please click on links to the Notices below and to the Staff Report DEV-2023-66

First Submission

Notice of Public Meeting:
 OPA #2 (Deerhurst Modern) and Z/28/2022/HTE - DHR GP Inc. - 1415 Deerhurst Drive Complete Application: Reports and Studies: Peer Review:

Second Submission

Reports and Studies: