What is the Community Planning Permit By-law?

The Community Planning Permit (CPP) By-law applies Town-wide and outlines rules for what can be developed, where and under what conditions. It replaced the Town’s Zoning Bylaw and provides greater direction regarding aspects of development typically outside of zoning such as site alteration, grading, tree removal, natural feature protection and shoreline controls.

The Community Planning Permit streamlines the development process by combining the previously separate applications of minor variances, zoning amendments and site plan agreements while also increasing the scope to cover site alteration and vegetation removal. The class of permit depends on the type of relief that is required from the By-law.

Complete CPP applications have a decision timeline of 45 days. 

Town of Huntsville Office Consolidation By-law Cover
What are the CPP classes?

There are three main permit classes to the CPP By-law, each with their own "Major" subclass:

  • Class 1: Application meets all applicable development standards. No variations are required. Approval is provided by staff. Staff have delegated approval authority.
  • Class 2: Application generally meets the requirements, standards, and provisions of the CPP By-law, but requires minor relief from one or more applicable by-law requirements and/or involves the approval of a listed Discretionary Use. Approval is provided by staff. Staff have delegated approval authority.
  • Class 3: Application requires more substantial or complete relief from one or more applicable by-law requirements. Approval is provided by Council or Planning Council.  

A CPP application may be classified as a "Major" subclass if:

  • a residential application involves development of more than five residential units on a lot.
  • a non-residential application involves development of a vacant lot or an addition with a gross floor area greater than that of the existing building or structure to which it is being added.
What is an amendment?

For information, visit the Community Planning Permit By-law Amendment page.

Why is the Community Planning Permit By-law necessary? 

The Community Planning Permit By-law is intended to:

  • Ensure that buildings and structures are appropriately situated;
  • Ensure compatible development;
  • Ensure environmental conservation and restoration;
  • Provide for functional and safe access to properties, buildings and structures;
  • Control site grading and vegetation removal to ensure appropriate development; and
  • Contribute to the creation of resilient communities.

When is a Community Planning Permit required?

A Community Planning Permit is required for development within the Town. Development means:

  • The construction, erection or placing of one or more buildings or structures (including additions), parking lots, or three or more mobile homes, land lease community homes or trailers;
  • Site alteration, including but not limited to alteration of the grade of land and placing or dumping fill; or
  • Vegetation removal.

When are you exempt from a Community Planning Permit?

For certain types of “development”, a Community Planning Permit is not required, please see Section 1.3 of the By-law for the full list of exemptions. Below is an overview of types of development that may be exempted. If you are undergoing one of the following, you will may not need a CPP:

  • Development that was approved under the Site Plan Control By-law
  • Interior renovations
  • Repairs, maintenance or replacement of existing lawful buildings or structures
  • A new single detached dwelling, an addition to a single detached dwelling, and/or any associated accessory structure that meet all requirements of the CPP By-law
  • Development approved through an issued building permit
  • Seasonal water structures
  • Construction of fences that are compliant with applicable provisions of this By-law
  • Vegetation removal that meet all requirements of the CPP By-law

A CPP is required for any development on Waterfront Properties. Properties with proximity to natural features may require a CPP regardless of the type of development.

What is the Community Planning Permit Process? 

STEP 1: Gather Required Documentation
  • Visit TOHM to see mapping and determine Precinct and Natural Constraints on the property.
  • Visit Section 1.3 to review exemptions.
  • Visit Page xiii for information on how to read the CPP By-law.
  • Looking to make changes to or develop waterfront property? Visit the Waterfront Development page for more information and applicable by-law.
STEP 2: Pre-Consultation
  • Identify the precinct on the Town of Huntsville Map.

  • Complete the Pre-consultation Form. A fee of $285 is paid online after completing the form.
  • Receive feedback from the Town after reviewing your development proposal.

  • Town will confirm requirements for a Permit.

  • Permit Class, and/or other application requirements are identified.

STEP 3: Application Submission
  • Application must be submitted with all required studies, plans, etc. Only once all required documentation is received will the application be reviewed and the 45 business day review period begin.
    Required Documentation
    • Record of pre-consultation
    • Commissioned signatures of Owner and/or Agent
    • Parcel Registry (or Title Abstract) from Land Registry Office dated within 14 calendar days of the submission of application
    • Written description (in a separate attachment) summarizing proposal and planning justification
    • Financial Securities (When applicable - minimum of $2000.00 and set by staff)
    • An Authorization & Affidavit or Sworn Declaration 
    • Any requests made during pre-consultation
    • One copy of applicable drawings - must be to scale and include: 
      • Boundaries and dimensions of lot
      • Location, size, and type of all existing and proposed buildings and structures
      • Existing and proposed setbacks for all buildings and structures to front, side and rear lot lines
      • Lot area
      • Existing and proposed vegetation
      • Septic field
      • Rights-of-way
      • Easements
      • Driveway
      • Parking area(s)
      • Natural features and building footprints within or adjacent to lot
  • Application is then circulated to commenting agencies and departments. Once all comments are received and addressed, the application is deemed complete, and public notification is sent out.

Note: If it was identified as a requirement in your pre-consultation meeting, visit the CPP Amendment Application page for more information. 

STEP 4: Application Review
  • Once an application has been deemed complete by Planning Staff, a decision must be made within 45 business days. 
  • Class 1 and Class 2 Applications (applications with no or few variations required) are reviewed and approved by Staff.
  • Class 3 Applications (applications with substantial or complete variations) are reviewed and approved by Planning Council.
STEP 5: Decision
  • Upon review of a complete Application the Town of Huntsville may:
    • Approve the Application and issue a permit with no conditions;
    • Approve the Application subject to conditions being met before the issuance of a permit (i.e. a Provisional Approval);
    • Approve the Application and issue a permit with conditions attached;
    • Approve the Application subject to conditions being met before the issuance of a permit and with conditions attached; or 
    • Refuse the Application and no permit is issued.

STEP 6: Appeal Period

  • Following the decision, there is a 20 calendar day appeal period for the applicant. Only the applicant can appeal. This can be deferred if the applicant lets the Town know they have no intention to appeal the decision. If there are no appeals, the applicant will receive the permit. 

Community Planning Permit Fees

CPP Pre-Consultation Fee: $292.00

(If an application is made within 3 months of receiving comments, the pre-consultation fee will be deducted from the application cost.)

CPP Application Fees 2025

  • Class 1: $1000.00
  • Class 1 Major: $3,608.00
  • Class 2: $1,500.00
  • Class 2 Major: $3,608.00
  • Class 3: $2,282.00
  • Class 3 Major: $3,608.00

A CPP application may be classified as a "Major" subclass if:

  • A non-residential application involves development of a vacant lot, an addition with a gross floor area greater than that of the existing building or structure to which it is being added, or a review of 5 or more supporting technical reports.

Payment can be made over the phone (credit card only; Visa and Mastercard) or in person (credit card, debit, or cheque). Payment of fees is required to consider an application complete and delay in payment may result in a delay to the next steps Fees are updated on an annual basis.

Community Planning Permit Timeline

Following the pre-consultation and submission of a complete application, timelines can vary slightly depending on the class of the application. Once applications have been deemed complete there is 45 calendar day timeline for a decision.

Class 1
Staff review and approval is as follows:
  • Class 1 Minor: Approximately 4 weeks
  • Class 1 Major: Approximately 8 weeks
Class 2
Staff review includes a 14 calendar day commenting period with a notice placed on subject site and on the Town website. If no significant issues are raised, requiring an upgrade to a Class 3, timing is as follows:
  • Class 2: Approximately 6 to 8 weeks
Class 3

Staff review includes a 20 calendar day commenting period with a notice placed on subject property and on the Town website, as well as a mail out to property owners within 120 m. Staff will present their recommendation to Planning
Council and Council will reach a decision. Timing is as follows:

  • Class 3: Approximately 8 weeks

Following the decision, there is a 20 calendar day appeal period for the applicant. This can be deferred in the applicant is not appealing the decision. If there are no appeals, the applicant will receive the permit if issued or may start the process to meet the conditions of provisional approval.


Access the full Community Planning Permit By-Law here

Access the Community planning Permit educational booklet here

Have a Question?

Review our Frequently Asked Questions page for the most common planning questions or contact us by emailing Planning or calling (705) 789-1751, option 3.