The Town of Huntsville’s Strategic Plan establishes the community’s highest priorities and a collective vision for the future. It guides Council, staff, and the community through key decision-making processes and directs resources where they are needed most.

View Huntsville's Strategic Plan

Message to the Community

Thanks to the feedback received from Huntsville residents, we’re excited to share the new Strategic Plan and the priorities that are important to the community. This is our north star. It is a vision of where we are headed and what we want Huntsville to become, but foundationally, it is based on deeper connections with you. We are committed to responsible decision-making, engaging with our residents, and growing together.
Nancy Alcock, Mayor


The new Strategic Plan tells us not just what to focus on, but how the community wants to be supported. It guides our day-to-day activities and focuses our efforts on key priorities that have been chosen by Huntsville. As your trusted community partner, we will deliver on these Council-supported initiatives through transparent practices. We are committed to investing in our people and services to support the Huntsville of today and tomorrow.
Denise Corry, Chief Administrative Officer

Huntsville's Strategic Plan at a glance

Icon of Light BulbOur Vision: 

A growing community that is vibrant, inclusive, and healthy while protecting our heritage and natural features.

Icon of a ring of circlesOur Mission: 

Delivering quality services for the people of Huntsville through responsible decision-making

icon of a hand holding starsOur Values:

Respect, Understanding, Integrity, Empowerment, Transparency and Responsibility

Strategic Priorities:

Priority 1: Balanced Growth

Icon of scalesWe are committed to growing in a way that balances the creation of vibrant, inclusive, and connected communities with the celebration and preservation of Huntsville’s distinct character


Priority 2: Protected Natural Environment

Icon of hand holding a leafWe are stewards of the environment, working alongside our community and partners to protect the Town’s natural heritage and take action on climate change.


Priority 3: Lively, Healthy, and Safe Communities

Icon of shield with a check markWe support and advocate for the health and wellness needs of our community members and the vitality of our local businesses.


Foundation: Stable, Trusted, and Engaged Community Partner

Icon of three handsWe enable our staff to deliver exceptional services, safeguard our financial health, and deepen connections with community members.


How was the Strategic Plan developed?

In 2023, over the course of a few months, we engaged the community through a public survey, community events, and focus groups. We asked Huntsville “What matters to you?”. Using the feedback received, we developed a strategic plan focused on the key priority areas identified by the community. 

View the engagement process on

View the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan and Strategic Plan 2019-2023 Report Card.