Report card
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1. Introduction
As of April 2021, there are a total of 118 Goals and are divided into two broad categories known as Passive Goals and Actionable Goals.
Passive goals
Passive Goals are goals that uphold the Mission, Vision and Values of the Town of Huntsville. These Goals are considered to be Continuous. An example of a Passive Goal is goal number GOV 3.2: Continuously review all by-laws and administrative requirements to ensure they are appropriate and necessary.
There are currently 52 Passive Goals in the Strategic Plan.
Actionable goals
Actionable Goals are goals that have a require a specific action to be done to meet an objective. These goals may be considered Not Started, Started, or complete. An example of an Actionable Goal is goal number Env 3.1: Conduct a Town-wide Stormwater Drainage Study.
There are currently 66 Actionable Goals in the Strategic Plan.
2. Status of goals
2.1 Economic Development (EcDev)
2.1.1 Business development |
a. Goal: EcDev 1.1: Engage stakeholders and stimulate year-round economyStatus: Removed on November 29, 2019 by Resolution 309-19 b. Goal: EcDev 1.2: Continue Business Retention and Expansion Program
c. Goal: EcDev 1.3: Promote Huntsville as a year-round business destination
d. Goal: EcDev 1.4: Develop brand strategy for Huntsville and community partners
e. Goal: EcDev 1.5: Work with regional partners and the business community to identify actionable solutions to assist with the diversification of the workforce
f. Goal: EcDev 1.6: Identify opportunities to ensure vibrant downtown. Collaborate and support with BIA in identify year-round business opportunities. Support the Main Street streetscape Identify opportunities to ensure vibrant downtown. Collaborate and support with BIA in identify year-round business opportunities. Support the Main Street streetscape project in partnership with the BIA. project in partnership with the BIA.
g. Goal: EcDev 1.7: Market high speed service among residents and external stakeholders and businesses
h. Goal: EcDev 1.8: Update Downtown CIP to look at tax and grant incentive programs
i. Goal: EcDev 1.9Status: Item not adopted j. Goal: EcDev 1.10: Attract new business to areaStatus: Removed on November 29, 2019 by Resolution 309-19 k. Goal: EcDev 1.11: Complete Economic Development Strategy
l. Goal: EcDev 1.12: Identify and provide recommendations on potential opportunities for the Empire Lot
m. Goal: EcDev 1.13: Vacant commercial Properties (stiffer penalties)
n. Goal: EcDev 1.14: Create CIP for affordable housing (new from res.309-19)
2.1.2 Smart value housing |
a. Goal: EcDev 2.1: Engaging private sector to identify creative solutions to housing – Business Outreach program
b. Goal: EcDev 2.2: Partner in regional smart value housing strategies
2.1.3 Connectivity |
a. Goal: EcDev 3.1: Work with partners to expand high speed services downtown and rural areas
b. Goal: EcDev 3.2: Expand access to broadband services in underserviced areas
c. Goal: EcDev 3.3: Support fibre company providers (Cogeco, Lakeland, etc.) in their application for funding for new broadband services in identified underserviced areas within the Town of Huntsville (revised from res. 309-19)
2.1.4 Tourism development |
a. Goal: EcDev 4.2 Complete the implementation of the Municipal Accommodation Tax (Mandate Letters)
b. Goal: EcDev 4.2
c. Goal: EcDev 4.3Status: Item not adopted d. Goal: EcDev.4.4 Complete municipal branding exercise (mandate letter) Status: Removed on November 29, 2019 by Resolution 309-19 e. Goal: EcDev 4.5Status: Item not adopted f. Goal: EcDev 4.6 Town to support (facility use or financially) increase hosting events within the Town of Huntsville
2.2 Culture and Wellness
2.2.1 Healthcare |
a. Goal: CW 1.2: Actively participate in regional health care initiatives
b. Goal: CW 1.3: Continue engagement and partnerships with neighbouring municipalities on the protection of acute care services (mandate)
c. Goal: CW 1.4: Partnerships with District and Regional Health Care Initiatives
d. Goal: CW 1.5: Facilitate the completion of Fairvern Nursing Home re-development (mandate)
e. Goal: CW 1.6: Seek opportunities to make specialty health services available in Huntsville (mandate)
2.2.2 Recreation and Leisure |
a. Goal: CW 2.1: Create a Comprehensive Community Services Master Plan that promotes long term strategies for healthy and active living in Huntsville
b. Goal: CW 2.2: Create opportunities to ensure vulnerable populations have access to recreation, housing & active living
c. Goal: CW 2.3 Complete needs assessment of open spacesComments: Removed on November 29, 2019 by Resolution 309-19 d. Goal: CW 2.4: Create partnerships with community groups & develop/implement plan
e. Goal: CW 2.5: Shared partnerships (wellness for local programming) - new from Council meeting Aug 8/19
f. Goal: CW 2.6: Participate in age-friendly community planning process & develop plan
g. Goal: CW 2.7: Review all programs and policies to ensure Accessibility (AODA) compliance
2.2.3 Arts, Culture and Heritage |
a. Goal: CW 3.1: Develop marketing strategy
b. Goal: CW 3.2: Prepare and implement a five-year business plan for the Algonquin Theatre in 2019 (mandate)
c. Goal: CW 3.3: Continue to evaluate the feasibility of a public art gallery (mandate)
d. Goal: CW 3.4: Building on the now completed Cultural Strategy, prepare a new plan (mandate)
e. Goal: CW 3.5: Complete a long-term strategy for the future of Muskoka Heritage Place (mandate)
f. Goal: CW 3.6: Water fountains - make art water feature (revised from Res. 309-19)
2.3 Natural Environment and Sustainability
2.3.1 Protection |
a. Goal: Env 1.1: Partner with organizations to respond to Planning for Climate Change in Muskoka
b. Goal: Env 1.2: Incorporate messaging related to Huntsville's "culture of sustainability" as referenced by unity Plan into community marketing and branding
c. Goal: Env 1.3: Screen all municipal events to measure and mitigate environmental impact/ seat application requires waste management plan and two stream system
d. Goal: Env 1.4: Official Plan Review has updated comprehensive environmental and social policies to ensure that all new development considers both the Natural Environment and character of Huntsville
e. Goal: Env 1.5: Digital Elevation Data and Models
f. Goal: Env 1.6: Development (control/don’t allow in flood plains) - new from council meeting Aug 8/19
2.3.2 Sustainability |
a. Goal: Env 2.1: Continue to develop/apply policies for environmental water quality protection with Muskoka Watershed Council
b. Goal: Env 2.2: Ensure planning policies, recommendations & approvals consider the geographic features & character of community
c. Goal: Env 2.3: Ensure continual review and update of policies to encourage resiliency for a changing natural environment and the changing demographics of the community as a whole
d. Goal: Env 2.4: Climate change/flooding (work with conservation authorities to adapt) - new from council meeting Aug 8/19
e. Goal: Env 2.5: Reduce plastic/waste (public water fountains for people and dogs instead of plastic bottles) (revised from Res. 309-19)
2.3.3 Capital improvements |
a. Goal: Env 3.1: Stormwater (Town-wide) Drainage Study
b. Goal: Env 3.2: Green space/parkland (Brendale Square Beer Lake partner with Imperial Oil or movie company; River Mill remove parking lot) - new from council meeting Aug 8/19
2.4 Roads and infrastructure
2.4.1 Transportation |
a. Goal: RdInf 1.1: Maintain an up to date roads needs study every 4 yrs. and use that information to develop short term development, construction and maintenance schedules and to inform long term capital plans
b. Goal: RdInf 1.2: Collaborate with other Municipal Governments & Province for potential shared planning, cost saving and efficiencies for services related to roads
c. Goal: RdInf 1.3: Pursue downloading District Roads to the local level as determined to be mutually viable (mandate)
d. Goal: RdInf 1.4: Complete sidewalk inventory and assessment (mandate)
e. Goal: RdInf 1.5: Complete Prepare a multi year sidewalk capital plan (mandate)
f. Goal: RdInf 1.6: Improve pedestrian linkages throughout the Town (mandate)
g. Goal: RdInf 1.7: Construct sidewalks up MR #3 past the hospital to Settler’s Ridge subdivision (mandate)
h. Goal: RdInf 1.8: Maintain an up to date bridge needs study every 2 yrs. and use that info to develop short term construction and maintenance schedules and to inform long term capital plans
i. Goal: RdInf 1.9: Play a leadership role in the implementation of an Active Transportation Strategy that connects the entire region through sidewalks, trails and bike lanes
j. Goal: RdInf 1.10: Bike path/trail/lanes (dedicated to cyclists) - new from Council Engagement Aug 8/19
k. Goal: RdInf 1.11: One Way Streets Study - provide recommendations for traffic flow improvements and potential locations of additional one-way streets (revised from res. 309-19)
2.4.2 Asset Maintenance |
a. Goal: RdInf 2.1: Develop Cemetery Maintenance Plan Develop a plan to address maintenance of all cemeteries including abandoned locations (mandate)
b. Goal: RdInf 2.2: Complete storm sewer inventory and replacement program (mandate)
c. Goal: RdInf 2.3: Identify, determine and implement levels of service and risk models for all asset classes (revised from res. 309-19)
d. Goal: RdInf 2.4: Guide Rail Replacement Program
2.4.3 Continuous Improvement |
a. Goal: RdInf 3.1: Conduct an asset inventory of infrastructure and facilities and prepare a long term management plan including disposition options where appropriate
b. Goal: RdInf 3.2: Continue annual increases to capital budget (for roads, bridges and sidewalks) to until annual capital spending reaches $4,500,000 per year (mandate)
c. Goal: RdInf 3.3: Identify how the Public Works Department can support the Economic Development Department in their efforts to expand high speed connectivity throughout the Town and to rural areas of the municipality
d. Goal: RdInf 3.4: Complete Main Street Streetscape (mandate)
e. Goal: RdInf 3.5: Extend to town dock to the edge of River Mill Park (mandate)
f. Goal: RdInf 3.6: Complete improvements to Lion’s Lookout including accessibility improvements (mandate)
g. Goal: RdInf 3.7: Construct Splash Pad in River Mill Park (mandate)
h. Goal: RdInf 3.8: Move the existing community garden to larger location (mandate)
i. Goal: RdInf 3.9: Finalize a plan for Pitman’s Bay (mandate)
j. Goal: RdInf 3.10: Seek opportunities for partnerships with neighbouring municipalities to improve service and efficiencies for Fire / Emergency Service (mandate)
k. Goal: RdInf 3.11: Implement the recently adopted transit plan to expand and improve service (mandate)
l. Goal: RdInf 3.12: Port Sydney Hall – electronic HVAC controls
m. Goal: RdInf 3.13: Complete next phase of fire training facility
n. Goal: RdInf 3.14: Maintain an up to date fleet inventory and use that info to development short term needs and maintenance and replacement schedules and to inform long term capital plan
o. Goal: RdInf 3.15: Maintain an up to date facilities inventory and use that info to development short term development, reconstruction and maintenance schedules and to inform long term capital plans
p. Goal: RdInf 3.16: Maintain an up to date parks and trails inventory and use that info to development short term park development, reconstruction and maintenance schedules and to inform long term capital plans
q. Goal: RdInf 3.17: Update Fire Department Master Plan in 2020
r. Goal: RdInf 3.18: Increase facility use (both revenue and non-revenue) by number of events/bookings per facility
s. Goal: RdInf 3.19: LED Lighting Replacement at Canada Summit Centre and Active Living Centre
t. Goal: RdInf 3.20: Ensure all infrastructure projects are built for climate change as per new Official Plan Policies
u. Goal: RdInf 3.21: Parking (invest and improve existing; more parking; angled parking; expand at CSC; above ground parking garage Brendale Square/Beer Lake; accessible) - new from Council Engagement Aug 8/19
v. Goal: RdInf 3.22: Boat launches (more) - new from Council Engagement Aug. 8/19
w. Goal: RdInf 3.23: Access to water amenities (expand dock and beach areas) - new from Council Engagement Aug 8/19
x. Goal: RdInf 3.24: Complete wayfinding signage (Mandate Letters)
y. Goal: RdInf 3.25: Determine feasibility for Highspeed connectivity in Municipal Buildings
2.5 Governance
2.5.1 Strategic Resource Allocation |
a. Goal: Gov 1.1: Link annual spending and capital investments to the priorities and objectives endorsed through this strategic plan
b. Goal: Gov 1.2: Establish term-based operating and capital budgets to guide and inform the annual budgeting processes
c. Goal: Gov 1.3: Create a Building Stabilization Reserve Fund Policy, to ensure clarity for the use of these funds
d. Goal: Gov 1.4: Maximize rental revenues and usage for municipally owned rental facilities (Mandate)
e. Goal: Gov 1.5: Reduce corporate legal expenses by 10% (mandate)
2.5.2 Fiscal Transparency |
a. Goal: Gov 2.1: Implement A Community Friendly Awareness Campaign to educate public on how municipal funds are spent & Accounted for
b. Goal: Gov 2.2: Completion of the municipal Asset Management Plan (mandate)
c. Goal: Gov 2.3: An in depth financial review for capital assets (mandate)
2.5.3 Municipal Services and Operations |
a. Goal: Gov 3.1: Identify & apply efficiencies that provide value to citizens and/or staff as well as cost saving measures relating to operations and internal communications within the municipal system using Lean Methodologies and Continuous Improvement Process Model
b. Goal: Gov 3.2: Continuously review all by-laws and administrative requirements to ensure they are appropriate and necessary
c. Goal: Gov 3.3: Identify and pursue shared service opportunities with other area municipalities, the District and/or other partners where cost savings and efficiencies can be achieved
d. Goal: Gov 3.4: Electronic Building Permit Software Acquisition (N.I)
e. Goal: Gov 3.5: Establish an accessibility reserve fund to complete projects to improve accessibility of municipal facilities. (mandate)
f. Goal: Gov 3.6: Review and realign ward boundaries to reflect an even distribution of electors per representative
g. Goal: Gov 3.7: Implement a customer service strategy (mandate)
h. Goal: Gov 3.8: Property standards (enforce policies and by-law; West End; improve/enforce by-law in all areas of town not just urban core but rural as well) - (Council Engagement Aug 8/19)
i. Goal: Gov 3.9: No dumping (Council Engagement Aug 8/19)
j. Goal: Gov 3.10: Actionable municipal plans (cohesive with other plans and initiatives) - (Council Engagement Aug 8/19)
k. Goal: Gov 3.11: Ensure continual review and update of policies and measures to improve resiliency for a changing cyber security landscape
2.5.4 Human Resources |
Goal: Gov 4.1: Create a Corporate Human Resources Strategic Plan to address the skills and abilities needed to move the organization forward to achieve the strategic direction of the municipality
2.6 Communications
2.6.1 Strategic Resource Allocation |
a. Goal: Com 1.1: Design a comprehensive and integrated corporate communications plan that identifies appropriate tools and messages to raise awareness of the Town’s programs and services and Council business
b. Goal: Com 1.2: Expand Digital Communications (Social Media, online services)
c. Goal: CW 1.3 Expand social media presence (Council Engagement Aug 8/19)Comments: Status: Removed on November 29, 2019 by Resolution 309-19. d. Goal: Com 1.4: “Plain English” and clear summary of proposals (advertising for Planning and road allowance closures) - (Council engagement Aug 8/19)
2.6.2 Community Engagement |
a. Goal: Com 2.1: Expand engagement activities to inform the public of actions taken by Council and encourage public and staff input
b. Goal: Com 2.4: Community Engagement Platform Software License Extension and Video (New Initiative)
c. Goal: Com 2.5: Engage the general public with respects to building permits and the documents associated with the applications
d. Goal: Com 2.6: Events and festivals (greater awareness; greater presence at events; notifying locals of upcoming events) - (Council Engagement Aug 8/19)
2.6.3 Marketing |
a. Goal: Com 3.1: Continue to raise community awareness of emergency preparedness and management plan
b. Goal: Com 3.2: Acquire new software (old software unsupported) to run the LCD Marketing Screens and information (room assignments) screens in the Canada Summit Centre (NI)
c. Goal: Com 3.3: Update current corporate website