Building the future of Huntsville

The 2022 to 2026 Economic Development Strategy provides a competitive and focused plan to guide Huntsville's Economic Development over the next five years to best diversify the Town's economy. Goals include:

  1. Strengthen economic development capacity and become investment ready
  2. Encourage community economic development
  3. Support workforce growth and development
  4. Foster innovation and market the Town's initiatives

VIEW ECOnomic Development Strategy

Huntsville Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT)

The Municipal Accommodation Tax is a revenue tool that the provincial government has given Ontario municipalities to  promote tourism as an economic driver. Learn more on the Municipal Accommodation Tax page

Get in touch for business support

The Economic Development Department is here to support your business!  Whether you need help with starting a business, looking to expand into a new market, wanting to offer a tour of a new facility, finding grants for funding or general business support, please reach out to the Town's Economic Development Officer. If it's business related and you're not sure who to connect with, start with us! 

Find business support, resources and programs below:

Muskoka Job Board 

To find a job in Huntsville and the surrounding Muskoka area visit the Muskoka Job Board.

A regional approach to Economic Development

The six Muskoka area municipal economic development departments work together through a shared alliance called Venture Muskoka. The region’s economic development teams provide confidential support to those looking to invest, or relocate themselves or their businesses, to Muskoka. 

Venture Muskoka works together to shine the spotlight on this beautiful region as THE place to work, live and play.