The following documents help contribute to a bright and prosperous Huntsville:

Community improvement plan and grant implementation by-laws are available on the by-laws and policies page.

Incentives and support

The Town of Huntsville offers Incentives within the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Program in order to promote new investment in the community. Huntsville Town Council approves funds annually towards the program and it is available for eligible businesses or properties located within the Downtown Huntsville Business Improvement Area (BIA).

The primary incentives are:

  • Façade, Sign, Accessibility and Building Improvement Grant - this program financially supports costs associated with building, signage or accessibility improvements and may cover 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $5000.00;    
  • Planning Application and Building Fee Grant - will cover a portion of planning application or building permit fees and may cover 50% of eligible costs up to maximum of $10,000.00 on approved applications;
  • Landscape Improvement Grant - to assist with landscaping improvements to a property to enhance streetscape activities and may cover 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $2000.00; and
  • Tax Increment Grant Program - through the CIP, a Tax Increment Grant is also available to property owners whose municipal property taxes have increased as a result of the substantial development, re-development, construction or re-construction of an eligible building or property, within designated areas of the Town. 

See pages 59 - 63 of the community improvement program brochure or Schedule A - Downtown Community Improvement Plan Financial Incentives Program for details.

Learn how the Downtown CIP Incentive program works

To learn more about the Community Improvement Program (CIP) see the brochure below:


BEFORE you start work on any eligible incentive, be sure to request an application here and submit your completed application to the Town's Economic Development Officer. Currently, the incentive program cannot be retroactively offered so please make sure to connect prior to starting any improvement work. 

If you have any questions while filling out your application or need additional support, please connect with the Economic Development Officer and they are happy to assist you. 

Once your application has been submitted, it will go to the informal Community Improvement Grant Approvals Committee (CIPC) for review. The application will be discussed and the amount will be awarded. 

Details of program: 

Community projects and engagement

 Visit the community projects page for open engagement opportunities on a range of initiatives.