This program provides support for new recreation and cultural experiences, special events and programs that provide benefit to the community. It is run on a first-come, first-served basis and depends on the available funding limits.

For full details see:

Community Financial Requests Policy

Learn how community financial requests work

Read below to determine what type of grant your request will fall under and what is eligible to best help you complete the application form.

Types of community requests

There are three types of community financial requests, to learn about each type please read below:

  1. Monetary Contribution: This is money paid from the Town to the successful applicant to support a community event, project or program.
  2. Promotional and/or discounted admission: This is a non-monetary contribution from the Town to the successful applicant. Examples include free admission passes for Muskoka Heritage Place.
  3. Reduced and/or waived fees: This is a non-monetary contribution from the Town to the successful applicant. Examples include reducing or removing a rental fee for a Town facility. 
Eligible community requests

The following requests are eligible:

  • Requests related to direct programs, services, projects, events or initiatives that create opportunities which enhance the quality of life and public benefit for Huntsville residents.
  • Requests that do not qualify for Huntsville Municipal Accommodation Tax Association (HMATA) funding.
  • Requests for monetary contributions, promotional and/or discounted admission, and waiving and/or reduction of rental fees for Town facilities as per the Town’s Fees & Charges by-law.
Ineligible community requests

If the project or initiative is tourism focused and can qualify for Huntsville Municipal Accommodation Tax Association (HMATA) funding, please connect with their organization first at and read about their partnership program at If your request has been declined by HMATA, you may apply for a community financial request. For help please connect with the Town’s Economic Development Officer.

The following requests will NOT be considered under this program:

  • Private events or events that support only one individual or family.
  • Funding to support a business or commercial activity unless the business is requesting funds for a specific event outside of their normal operations.
  • Events that could adversely impact the Town’s reputation.
  • Funding where the activity duplicates or conflicts with an existing program or activity that is already offered by the Town.
  • Ongoing operational funding
  • Direct charitable donations to an organization.
  • Primarily serve the membership of purposes of any one organization.

Submit an application

Before submitting your application, we encourage you to read the above Community Financial Request Policy and review the FAQ's below. For descriptions on the types of community requests please see above. 

UPDATE: Applications for all funding types are now closed for 2024 as budget has been reached. Follow Town website news and social media for updates on the 2025 intake date. Currently the program is anticipated to launch mid-February. 

 Frequently asked questions

What events/projects have received monetary contributions in the past?

Events and projects that have received monetary contributions from the Town include:

  • K9Klubhouse Dog Services – Canine Agility Event (tourism-related)
  • Safe Quiet Lakes Community Organization – Education Campaign
  • United Way Simcoe Muskoka – Flood the Overdose Epidemic in Canada
  • Hope Arises Project Inc. – Indigenous flags for downtown
  • Muskoka North Good Food Co-Op – Growcer Modular Farm
I received funding through HMATA already for my event/project, am I still eligible for a monetary contribution?

No, events and/or projects directly related to tourism that already received funding through HMATA are not eligible for this program. If your request was declined by HMATA, you may still submit an application. If you have any questions please reach out to our Economic Development Officer.

I’m having a fundraiser that is open to the community and need silent auction items, can I apply through this program?

Absolutely, you can submit a request for promotional and/or discounted admission items through the application form as a non-monetary contribution. 

Will I get the full amount of my request?

It is not guaranteed that you will receive funding for the full requested amount. Every year there is a set budget therefore only a certain amount of requests can be approved until that pot of money is used up. Staff may recommend providing a lesser amount than the request to allow other organizations in the community to benefit from the funding. If there are no funds available at the time of your request, please apply for the following year.  
 What criteria is used when evaluating the requests for funding?
The Community Financial Request policy (see top of this page) outlines the various objectives that the funds are to be used for. Objectives include but are not limited to: arts, culture, environment, heritage, recreation, social services and health, economic development and other program or service that provides a benefit to resident quality of life. For more details please see the community financial request policy.
Is there a deadline for applying? 
There is no set deadline however the allocated budget for the year (Jan 1 - Dec 31) is based on first come first served.  It is likely that the program will be popular for applications, therefore the funds may be used up earlier in the year. Once the budget for the year is used up, you will need to apply for the following year. Consider subscribing to this page for updates. 

Need help with your application?

If you have any questions, concerns or would like assistance with your application, please contact the Town’s Economic Development Officer.